Saturday, December 12, 2009

Prevention Cookbook

I was laying in bed this morning desperately trying to fall back asleep after a late-night Christmas party (ending with "after-hours") and thought, "Wouldn't it be nice to get together a ton of PHENOM recipes with other bloggies and blog readers?". I don't know about you all, but most of my recipes are in Word document on my laptop, and so why not try to put together something fabulous of "our" own!?

So here's what I'm thinkin' for the Prevention Cookbook...

1. If you submit at least 1 recipe, you will receive a copy of the "cookbook".
2. If you submit at least 1 recipe, you will win 1 entry into a giveaway drawing (TBD as to what the prize will be, but I ASSURE you, it will be worth copying, pasting, and emailing me a favorite recipe!).
3. If you submit a recipe to one of several "categories", you win additional entries into the giveaway. Two recipes....2 entries...three recipes...3 entries, and so on*. And, of course, our recipe book grows.
* Up to 6 recipe entries per person -- one per recipe category, listed below.

4. Your blog site/name will be associated with your recipe(s) -- hello, blog traffic! 
(Side note: Heretofore, don't pick a horrible recipe!)
5. Recipes should be relatively healthy (i.e. lard is bad, canola oil is good). If you have the nutritional information for your recipe, each recipe you enter wins you an ADDITIONAL entry for a total of 2 entries each and a total of 12 entries!

6. Email me your recipe(s) by January 1, 2010 (WEIRD, 2010!) to

Recipe categories will be:
appetizer and hors d'oeuvres
entree and main dishes

casseroles and side dishes
desserts and sweets

On January 1st, participants can expect a cookbook filled with delicious recipes delivered straight to their inbox, helping to start the new year right! Get to sendin'!

Also be sure to check out a few giveaways...
Josie is giving away Odwalla bars 
Mara is giving away a cookbook! 
Bella is giving away Starbucks Seasonal Mugs

Iowa Girl Eats is giving away Starbucks giftcards and Noodles & Co. meals


  1. oh I already know what I am going to send! I am so excited =)

  2. SUCH a great idea!!! I'm on my way to e-mail you :)

  3. I LOVE this idea! I'll be emailing you soon!!!

  4. Great Idea...Will be sending you a recipe sometime at the end of this week after finals are over!

  5. SUCH A GREAT IDEA!! i gota think!!

  6. Ok, let me see if I can come up with something. I usually never have a recipe and just throw things together.

  7. this sounds like an awesome idea!! we are going to get to work on thinking of something! thanks for the shoutout!

    i also emailed you about a question on RD if you get the chance :D thanks!

  8. I must get an entry in right away!

  9. I love this idea!!! I will email you a recipe ASAP!

    Thank you for the kind words on my blog. I am now a follower of yours!

  10. Ack! Not a good cook. No recipes. I shall spectate. =)

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